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Generating Traffic With Iperf

Basic Usage

Iperf is a traffic generation tool that allows the user to experiment with different TCP and UDP parameters to see how they affect network performance. Full documentation can be found at the iperf documentation page. We give an overview of some of its basic features here.

Fig. 1. Single UDP stream.

The typical way that iperf is used is to first start one iperf process running in server mode as the traffic receiver, and then start another iperf process running in client mode on another host as the traffic sender. In order to send a single UDP stream from n2p2 to n1p2 as shown in Fig. 1, we would run iperf in server mode on n1p2 and iperf in client mode on n2p2. The iperf executable is located at /usr/local/bin/iperf on every ONL host. Since the directory /usr/local/bin by default is located in every user's PATH environment variable, you should be able to run iperf by entering the iperf command followed by any command-line arguments.

For example, to reproduce the setup shown in Fig. 1 we would enter the following:

Window Command Description
Window 1 source /users/onl/.topology Define environment variables such as $n1p2
Use /users/onl/.topology.csh if using a C-shell.
(See The /users/onl/.topology File )

ssh $n1p2 ssh to the iperf server host

iperf -s -u Run iperf as a UDP server:
( -s ) Run as server
( -u ) UDP
Window 2 source /users/onl/.topology Define host environment variables

ssh $n2p2$ ssh to the client host

iperf -c n1p2 -u -b 200m -t 30 Run iperf as a UDP client:
( -c n1p2 ) Run as client with server on n1p2
( -u ) UDP
( -b 200m ) 200 Mbps bandwidth
( -t 30 ) For 30 seconds

Fig. 2. Running the Iperf Client and Server.

Fig. 2 shows the resulting ssh windows. In the server window (in back), the server reports that it is listening on UDP port 5001, will receive 1470 byte datagrams and uses the default 64 KByte UDP buffer. In the client window (in front), the client reports that it is connecting to UDP port 5001 and is using the same parameters as the server. It also shows that in the 30 second interval, it transfered 725 MBytes at an average rate of 203 Mb/s. This output is followed by the Server Report that shows the same statistics along with some additional ones. The fifth field "0.002 ms" is the jitter. The next field "0/517244" indicates that 517244 datagrams were sent and 0 were received out of order which results in a 0% datagram error.

At the end of a UDP traffic session, the iperf client sends out a special application layer FIN packet signalling the end of transmission. The server responds to the FIN with a reply containing the statistics for the session. The client will continue to send this FIN packet every 250 milliseconds until either the server responds with its statistics or a total of 10 FIN packets have been sent. Since the server never closes the receive socket, it is possible for the server to receive FIN packets from a preceding session thinking that they belong to a new session.

Fig. 3. Iperf UDP Traffic Chart.

Fig. 3 shows the resulting traffic chart when the traffic flows to the right over the top link at 200 Mb/s. Notice that the measured traffic rate is over 200 Mb/s because the chosen measurement points were inside the NSP where the physical data units are ATM cells which contain an additional 10% cell header overhead. Note also that there is no measurable return traffic since the only returning traffic is the server's report datagram after the client has sent the FIN packet.

Fig. 3 shows another RLI feature: the ability to show a chart coordinate. This can be done by selecting View => Show Values".

The table below shows examples of useful variants of iperf. In UDP bandwidth specifications, "10m" represents 10 Mb/s. 'M' could also be used to signify 1,000,000. Similarly, 'K' and 'k' both indicate 1,000. The -n argument (number of bytes) in conjunction with -l (length of each datagram) is used to send a fixed number of datagrams of a specified length and is often used with small values when some forms of debugging are desired.

iperf -h help: Show usage information
iperf -s -u Run an iperf udp server
iperf -c n1p3 -u -b 10m -t 10 Run an iperf udp client with n1p3 as the server
Send at 10 Mb/s to n1p3 for 10 sec
(1470-byte packets + 28 bytes of header)
iperf -c n1p3 -u -b 10m -l 1000 -n 8000 Run iperf udp client with n1p3 as the server
Send at 10 Mb/s to n1p3.
Send a total of 8000 bytes, 1000 bytes per pkt
iperf -s -w 16m Run iperf TCP server with a 16 MB receive window
iperf -c n1p3 -t 10 Run an iperf TCP client with n1p3 as ther server for 10 sec

Coordinated UDP Streams

We can produce coordinated UDP streams by writing two shell scripts: one launches multiple iperf servers, and the other launches the corresponding iperf clients. For example, the following Bourne shell script run-uservers will launch iperf UDP servers:

# Usage:   run-uservers
# Example: ssh onl.arl; run-uservers
# Note:    Clients (Servers) are NSP2 (NSP1) hosts
source /users/onl/.topology	# define env vars $n1p2, ...
ssh $n1p2 /usr/local/bin/iperf -s -u &
ssh $n1p3 /usr/local/bin/iperf -s -u &
ssh $n1p4 /usr/local/bin/iperf -s -u &
The command run-uservers will start three ssh processes running in the background. These processes will, in turn, each remotely run the iperf command on the three hosts defined by the values of the three environment variables $n1p2, $n1p3, $n1p4. Note that these hostnames are the external host names and not the internal host names (e.g., n1p2) since the ssh commands will be sent over the control network and not the internal testbed network. Alternatively, these names can be obtained by right clicking on the host icons shown in Fig. 4. But by using the .topology file, we have streamlined the launching of the servers and made the script transparent to experiment restarts. Note also that if /usr/local/bin is in your PATH environment variable, /usr/local/bin/iperf can be shortened to just iperf. Our objective is to run the iperf servers on n1p2, n1p3 and n1p4, and run the iperf clients on n2p2, n2p3 and n2p4 as shown in Fig. 4 below.

Fig. 4. Three UDP Flows (Configuration).

After the iperf servers have been started, the clients can be started with another script. For example, the following Bourne shell script run-uservers will launch iperf UDP clients:

# Usage:   run-uclients
# Example: run-uclients
# Note:    Clients (Servers) are NSP2 (NSP1) hosts
source /users/onl/.topology	# define env vars $n2p2, ...
ssh $n2p2 /usr/local/bin/iperf -c n1p2 -u -b 250m -t 30 &
sleep 6
ssh $n2p3 /usr/local/bin/iperf -c n1p3 -u -b 250m -t 30 &
sleep 6
ssh $n2p4 /usr/local/bin/iperf -c n1p4 -u -b 250m -t 30 &
The run-uclients script operates like the run-uservers script except that it starts iperf clients on the hosts $n2p2, $n2p3, and $n2p4, each with a 6 second staggered starting time. Note that the server names are specified using the internal host names n1p2, n1p3 and n1p4 since we want the traffic to go over the testbed network and not the control network.

Fig. 5. Three UDP Flows (Traffic Chart).

Fig. 5 shows the resulting traffic chart. The 2.6 output bw line shows the total traffic from n2p1-n2p3 going to the right over the top link out of port 2.6. The 1.7 input bw line shows the total traffic going through port 1.7. In the middle part of the plot, we can see that the total traffic going out of port 2.6 is around 850 Mb/s, but the total traffic going into port 1.7 is only about 680 Mb/s. That is because the capacity of the 2.6-1.7 link is only 600 Mb/s, the default link rate. Note again that both traffic rates in this figure have the ATM overhead of about 10%.

 Revised:  Wed, Sep 2, 2009 


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