The ONL Tutorial

Tutorial >> The Remote Laboratory Interface TOC

RLI Basics

Before beginning our tour of the RLI, let's go over some basic conventions regarding mouse buttons. The following list is a quick summary of the main features:

These features will be pointed out again as they are encountered.

The /users/onl/.topology File

Throughout the descriptions, interface names that begin with a dollar sign (e.g., $n1p2, $n2p3, $n3p1a) refer to the Ethernet interface that is connected to the control network. Every host has two interfaces: one connected to the internal (private) testbed network and one connected to the external (control) network. Experimental traffic goes over the internal network consisting of your NSPs and the interconnection switch. A user can SSH to (called the login host) at any time but can only SSH into other ONL hosts that have been given to the user as part of the commit process. Control messages and SSH access to a committed ONL host from the login host go over the external (control) network. Interfaces to the internal network have IP addresses of the form 192.168.N.H where N is the NSP number and H is the host portion and have names such as n1p2, n2p3 and n3p1a (note no dollar sign). Interfaces to the external (control) network have IP addresses of the form 10.0.0.H where H is the host portion and have names such as (which has the short name onl21). These external names are determined during the commit phase when actual resources are bound to resources in your configuration.

In many cases (especially scripts), it might be easier to refer to the environment variable (e.g., $n1p2) associated with the external interface. These variables can be imported into your environment by running one of these two commands:

     source ~onl/.topology		# bash
     source ~onl/.topology.csh		# csh
You can verify that this procedure works by enterring something like:
     printenv n1p2
     echo "$n1p2"
which should display an external name of the form onlXX in both cases.

 Revised:  Thu, June 29, 2006 


Tutorial >> The Remote Laboratory Interface TOC