The ONL NPR Tutorial
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Common Unix Commands
ping -c 4 -s 100 n1p3 # send 4 100-byte ping pkts to n1p3
# IP pkt sz = 100 + 8 = 1008
iperf -h # usage help
iperf -s -u # iperf udp server
iperf -s -w 16m # iperf tcp server with 16 MB rcv window
iperf -c n1p3 -t 10 # iperf tcp client sends to n1p3 for 10 sec
iperf -c n1p3 -u -b 10m -t 10 # iperf udp client sends at 10 Mbps to n1p3 for
# 10 sec (1470-byte pkts + 28 bytes hdr)
iperf -c n1p3 -u -b 10m -l 1000 -n 8000
# iperf udp client sends at 10 Mbps to n1p3
# 8000 bytes, 1000 bytes per pkt
Here is a link to the complete
iperf documentation page.
Revised: Tue, Sep 1, 2009