The ONL Tutorial

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A Successful Experience

The remarks below should help instructors make more effective use of ONL in their courses. If you are using ONL in a course for the first time, you should look at Tilman Wolf's ONL exercises. He had a very successful experience with ONL. I will explain below why I think it was successful.

Note that his course was aimed at non-networking graduate students and fulfilled a breadth requirement in their department. So, the students were not undergraduates. His students were able to do the exercises even though they were not networking students, and he did not devote any lecture hours to ONL itself. That is, the students knew a little about networking, but not much; and Tilman was able to offer lab assignments with very little effort on his part.

In order to better appreciate my comments, let's take a look at what topics were covered in his exercises:

Here are some guidelines for why his course was so successful and how you can be as or even more successful:

 Revised:  Thu, Aug 24, 2006 


Course Material >> For Instructors TOC