[R2] Run a Simple Pre-Configured Experiment
In preparation for the experiments in this section, you should know how to run the ping command with and without the -c flag, the netstat command with -i flag, and the ifconfig command. If you are unfamiliar with these command, read the man pages on these two commands on onl03.arl.wustl.edu (or any Linux host) using the commands:
man ping man netstat man ifconfigInstructions:
ifconfig atm0 netstat -i ping n1p3 -c 10 netstat -iNote 1: You can only SSH into onl03.arl.wustl.edu when outside of the ONL testbed. This means that you will need to SSH first into onl03 and then into your desired host.
ping n1p3Note that this will send ping packets spaced one second apart until you kill the command by entering ctrl-c at the keyboard. Restore the next hop entry of the last entry in the route table at port 2 to 3 and commit the change. Repeat this process of toggling the next hop entry between 3 and 4 and observe the effect on the traffic chart. Answer Question 4.